No you misunderstand the point of it.
I wrote it specifically trying to piss people off or at least bring them to tears. The first victim it had was a 14 year old girl who threatened to sue me for "verbal abuse" or some bullshit like that. I don't give a fuck about if your art is good or not, I just wanted you upset.
You know I didn't write that response for you right? I give that same exact response to everyone on NG who posts their own art and I also put it on a shit load of Deviantart pages.
You have gotten more upset than I have ever seen someone from that stupid little paragraph that I wrote A YEAR AGO. It just confirms what I thought beforehand. You take yourself way too seriously.
ShadowNazi169 (Updated )
not really, have you read that thing lately? it completely tries to destroy that which others value. rewrite the damn thing and then come back to me, i don't need others to tell me my art is good.
plus you happened to catch me right as i was already pissed off, so it all got unleached on you and your comment.