alright, no one insaults my artwork and gets away with it. for those of you who don't know, my last post had a piece of art that was done by me when i was bored one day. and after voting on some new submissions in the portal, i can back to find a comment on my post. it was from a prick named "wuzzles," what ever the fuck that is, probibly a gay dinosaur. but he totally insaulted me and my style of artwork, and that really pisses me off! i've entered on-line contests and at my school, my artwork has won prizes for fuck sack! no man has the right to call another's artwork crap, artwork is for the viewer. what is great to some is terrible to others, artwork is done for the pleasue of the artist. to an artist, the people who view their artwork are like gods. we thrive on the audiance like a play, but no school can teach you art. if you had to go to school to learn how to draw, you need to get your head bashed in with a graphic tablet. and i hope that that homo prick is reading this right now, because if i hear from him again, i'll unleach my full rage on him! i learned how to draw the good old fashioned way, i kept on drawing untill my art was something unseen by the eyes of others. the only help i had was from a sketch book to help me get human anatomy proposhions down, and no man is perfect. but to me, my art is my life. i live only to draw my comics, my storys can hold peoples attention with such force. i've had people tell me that they have missed a hole class because they where hooked into my stories. i have the perfect database of games, tv shows, movies, artwork and manga to know what keeps people reading or watching.
And With that, i post a picture that i've never done before. it is a picture of a human (future comic me infact) and a Young Fox Girl, and she is pregnant with his child. i don't try that often, and this one is no different, a small amount of effort went into it. if you don't like it, tell me. but if you dis all of my art, you will see me angry.
You know I didn't write that response for you right? I give that same exact response to everyone on NG who posts their own art and I also put it on a shit load of Deviantart pages.
You have gotten more upset than I have ever seen someone from that stupid little paragraph that I wrote A YEAR AGO. It just confirms what I thought beforehand. You take yourself way too seriously.
ShadowNazi169 (Updated )
not really, have you read that thing lately? it completely tries to destroy that which others value. rewrite the damn thing and then come back to me, i don't need others to tell me my art is good.
plus you happened to catch me right as i was already pissed off, so it all got unleached on you and your comment.