people annoy me. on a major scale, i hate dealing with people i don't know and even if i do know them, i'd rather not deal with it sometimes. (i'm tired and cranky.) or like the fact that i finally created a thread in the forums that didn't get deleted, and Me, JesterCrow169, Bizenghast23, paleghostboo, and littlegirl9 are the only people to post. a couple of others posted but only because Trouble (Bizenghast23) pointed out that there was one with these weird pen drawings and it was full of them and we where stuck in mine. it make's me sick, i posted my art because i though that there might be some people who would like it, some of my art you should be happy i'm even posting it. some of the character concepts are legal works and you'd nornally have to pay to see them, or pay me and i'd draw one up for you. i hate people, i've even had jobs dealing with people, i've got fired from each. only if i feel like it will i be socialble with people.
i can't stand people of lower inteligence, i'll freely talk with someone if they can follow what i'm saying. that was my problem with my last girlfriend, Shadow Girl. she would constantly dought my inteligence, me and some people on newgrounds and with both paleghostboo and JesterCrow169 have had conversations that would confuse people with degrees and professers. i outsmarted my high school Chemistry teacher and my Geometry teacher at their own subjects! my brain hurts after i deal with idiots, with is why i allways have a headack because of the morons here on newgrounds. it's my personal observation that the average inteligence level of newgrounds users that arn't moderators or administrators is about 5th grade or lower. it makes me sad to know this, i thought that inteligent people where everywhere but it would seam that we are a dying breed.
And with that i leave you with a sketch of me from a year ago.
Jack Krauser, The Shadow Artist.
i know! whoopa!