View Profile ShadowNazi169
"You see I'm a Guy of Simple Tastes, I enjoy Dynamite, and Gunpowder, and Gasoline! and you know the thing they all have in common. They're Cheap. Tell your People they work for me now, This Is My Reality" -Wasteland Jackal

Jack Krauser @ShadowNazi169

Age 36, Male

Comic Book Artist

Huh, What's That?


Joined on 3/24/08

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Stories From Shadow Nazi.

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 13th, 2008

i think i'm gonna post some of my stories here in my news posts, people can read them and tell me what they think. i'll do it chapter by chapter, this is my newest one, set in the past.

Fates Design.
The Tales of Lucius.
By Shadow Nazi.

Scroll 1:
Family and Friends

"You know. This time of day is the most wonderful." says the man by the river. His face hardened from years in the sun. He sits by the bank of a stream, his clothes waving in the wind. "The hour of twilight is the time of the gods." he says to the young man. The man walks up and sits next to the man, his body young and strong. His hair hangs in long spikes, shinning bright yellow. His silver eyes focus on the man."Lucius, do you know what the legend of twilight is?" the kid shakes his head. "They say that there is another world connected to this world, a world covered in the light of twilight."

"The hour of twilight here is the only time our two worlds connect." he says looking up into the trees and sky, the hour of twilight is here and the sky is a beautiful shade of purple. The kid looks up into the sky, he smiles. The man stands, "I think we should head back to the village now. The mayor said he wanted to se us." he brushes him self off and hold out his hand. Lucius grabs it and Daxis helps him up. Lucius nodes and the two start back through the forest.

They cross the bridge and Daxis locks the gate. They pass the spring and Lucius sees the mayor daughter, Lilly. She is washing his horse, rain. They walk down the path and into the outer ring of the village. Lucius' house is off to the left, it is a huge hollowed out tree with a ladder leading to the front door. Daxis smiles, "still can't see why you live out here." they walk through an over pass and into the main part of the village.

The village consists of six houses and a ranch that over looks the village on the hill. The first house is the general store. As they enter and pass the villagers wave at them. They wave back and walk on. Then a group of children run up to Lucius. Four in total, two girls and two boys. One of the boys is wearing a headband and smiling big, the other is wearing a green sown shirt and shorts. "Hey there kids." Daxis says ruffling the hair of the on in green. "Lucius did you hear?!?" says the on with the bandana.

Lucius shakes his head; "they got a slingshot at the store!" he jumps up and down, Lucius smiles at him. "How do you think we can get our hands on it?" he says, he turns to one of the girls, she is a little older and has her hair done up in a neat pony tail. "Can't you just let us borrow it!?" she shakes her head, "you know I can't! I would get in trouble with my parents!" Daxis lays a hand on Lucius' shoulder, "I'll meet you at the mayor's house." Lucius smiles and daxis walks off.

The other boy looks up at Lucius, he smiles and Lucius smiles back. "Hey Lucius, think we can all play later?" says the little boy in green. "Play what Darius?" says the kid in the headband. "Anything I guess Angelo." the older girl looks at Lucius and says, "Who wants to play with you boys anyways? We girls call dibs on Lucius." the younger girl says," yeah. We call him." Angelo look at the older girl, "no we get Lucius Katie!"

Darius looks at them, "can't we all just play together?" he says looking at them. They turn on him and says, "No!" he jumps and Lucius smiles. He pats Darius' head and walks towards the mayor's house leaving the group arguing. He walks up to the house by the entrance of the hill. Walking up to the door he knocks. "Come in!" says a voice. Lucius opens the door to see Daxis standing with the mayor, a big man with a bald head and small eyes. His mustache hangs down past his chin."Ah Lucius, we where just talking about you." he says.

Lucius walks over and nodes. "I was just talking with Daxis about the delivery to the castle." says the mayor smiling at Lucius. "Yes and we have come to a joint decision." Daxis says looking at Lucius, he nodes at Daxis. "We have decided that we want you to take the gift to the princess." the mayor says with a smile. Daxis nodes, "yes, I think it is time you meet the princess, she is a gentle person." the mayor puts a finger in the air, "and she is an elf, like you Lucius." Lucius feels his pointed ears.

"we need you to take it tomorrow, the princess sent word that tomorrow is when she has no prior business to attend to." says the mayor as he crosses his arms. Daxis lays a hand on Lucius' shoulder, "this will be your first time out side the forest." Lucius nodes, the mayor smiles, "don't worry it will be fine." Lucius nodes, him and Daxis head to the door. "Take care of your self guys." says the mayor as they open the door, he waves as they leave. "Thanks mayor."

The two walk out side and to the road. "Want to spare before you leave?" Daxis asks looking at the children playing. Lucius nodes and Daxis looks over at his house. His wife is sitting on the porch, their dog sitting next to her. "Go to your house and get your wooden sword. We can spare in the ranch." Daxis walks down the road to his house, Lucius watches as his wife stands and kisses his cheek. Lucius runs down the path to the overpass.

He climbs the ladder and opens the door. The children walk up and wait. Lucius opens his door and jumps down with his sword on his back. "Are you going to spar with Daxis?" Angelo asks looking excited. Lucius nodes, they cheer, "can we watch Lucius?" asks Katie looking at Lucius. Lucius nodes. They walk back through the village to the ranch. As the crest the rise they see Daxis talking with the rancher. "Hey Lucius!" he waves at him and the children.

They walk up;" I see we gained some observers." Daxis says looking at the kids. The rancher shakes hands with Lucius, "thanks for the other day. The cow just won't listen to me anymore." he heads over to the gate and out it to his house. Daxis nodes at Lucius, he draws his sword and so does Lucius. The kids run back and sit down. "Alright, show me what you can do." Daxis says, getting in his fighting position. Lucius jumps up into the air, bringing his sword down, Daxis shields it with his armored forearm.

Lucius lands and spins around, Daxis jumps back. He swings and stops it at Lucius' side. "Remember that the sword is not the only weapon you hold." Lucius nodes he rolls around Daxis and fakes a strike. Daxis spins around to meet Lucius' sword point at his throat. "Good." Lucius stands, he attacks with a stab. Daxis deflects it and Lucius back spins and stops it at Daxis' side. "You've been practicing." Lucius nodes.

"Your sword skill is good, now we need to test your hand-to-hand." the two stake their swords in the ground, they stand looking at the other. "Come attack me as if I where trying to harm someone you care for." Lucius nodes. "Go Lucius!" shouts Katie, she is staring at Lucius dreamily. Daxis takes off his armor and his shirt. Lucius does the same, taking off his shirt and draping it over his sword. He launches out at Daxis.

He tries a sweeping kick, Daxis jumps into the air. Lucius strikes with an upper-cut. Daxis catches it and tosses Lucius back. Lucius runs at him and does a jumping round house, Daxis catches it, and Lucius slams his fist into Daxis' side as he is flipped upside down. Daxis drops Lucius and Lucius spins around to his back and gets Daxis in a headlock. "Good, but." Daxis says, he grabs Lucius' arm and pulls him over his head, slamming him down on the grass.

"That was good. Your strength has gotten better."Daxis says looking down at Lucius, holding his side. The kids run over and stair at them, "that was awesome!" Angelo says, Katie kneels down next to Lucius, "are you ok?" she asks, he smiles at her. "Are you ok dad?" Darius asks, Daxis ruffles his hair, "yeah, I'm fine." he helps Lucius up and they grab they shirts and armor. "I think you will do fine tomorrow. Be sure to get a good sleep." Lucius nodes and they all head back down the hill.

Daxis and Darius head back to their house. "Night Lucius." Katie says, her and her sister head back to their house. Lucius walks through the over pass; he comes to his house to see Lilly with rain. She is brushing rain's main. She turns as Lucius sets his things down by the ladder. Lilly looks at him as he walks up. "Hey Lucius, I washed rain for you." he smiles at her and nodes. "Rain's a girl too so you need to treat her like one." he looks at rain, she looks back at him. Lilly looks at Lucius, she smiles. "You were training with Daxis again weren't you?"

He nodes and she puts a hand on his shoulder. "I heard that you will be taking the gift to the princess tomorrow." he nodes again and looks into her eyes. "Can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to be alone, something is wrong with the land and I'm scared." Lucius nodes and walks over to rain, he pats her back and she calms down. Lilly walks over to the ladder and climbs up.

Lucius grabs his stuff and climbs up. Lilly opens the door and they go in, Lucius sets his stuff down and light's the fire in the fireplace. It lights the room and Lilly sits down on the couch, "this is the first time I've been in your house." she says looking around. Lucius nodes and walks down a flight a stairs. After a few minutes Lucius comes back up the stairs rubbing his hair with a rough towel, he looks at Lilly who is looking at something on a shelf.

He walks over to her and she says, "do you remember this?" she is holding a sketch done by Daxis. It show when Lilly first played with Lucius, she was feeling his ears and he was smiling. Lucius nodes, "the whole time I couldn't stop looking at your ears, I thought they where the coolest things ever." she sets it back down, Lucius puts his hands on her shoulders. "Do you feel it Lucius?" she closes her eyes and puts her hands on his. "The forest, the animals, they can sense that something weird is happening."

Lucius nodes, he looks out the window and sees the darkness covering the village. Lilly walks over to the couch and sits down, Lucius sits next to her. "I want to ask you something Lucius." he smiles at her and listens carefully, "I want you to promise me, that you'll come back safe from your journey." she takes his hands in hers. He looks at her with interest, then he nodes. Lilly hugs Lucius, he wraps his arms around her, and she opens her eyes and says, "I will wait for you."

She looks around, "where do you sleep?" he points up to a hole in the ceiling, a ladder leads up to it. Lucius grabs her hand and guides her over to it, he nodes as she puts a hand on it. "ok." she says and starts to climb up. Pushing back the cover she gets up, she gasps as she sees that his room is a small jungle, a hammock is hanging between two thick branches. Lucius gets up and smiles. "It's amazing. So beautiful." Lucius moves a branch and reveals a second hammock. "Can sleep there tonight?"

Lucius nodes and she hugs him. "thanks." she gently gets into it and it swings back and forth. Lucius smiles, Lilly leans up and kisses Lucius on the cheek. Lucius smiles and walks over to his and climbs in, he looks up to the ceiling, the trees leaves a gentle green he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep. The night blows over the village, bathing it in its dark calm.

Lucius sleeps and dreams of the past, then something moves his bed, it swings back and forth a little, and Lucius opens his eyes. He looks to see what it was to see Lilly lying there with her eyes closed, she cuddles up to Lucius, he wraps one arm around her and smiles. Lucius closes his eyes and sleeps with Lilly at his side. Her body agents his, the two warm and peace restored.


Oooh. Aren't you cool! Calling yourself Shadow Nazi and having a swastika in your profile pic. Fucking hardcore man. Shit.

Stupid fascist.

!!!!!!!!!!!! god damn i needed a good laugh today, thank you Maxxor, and you have the gull to call me a Fascist? i'm nothing like the National Socialist German Worker's Party of Hitler's time. i'm neather Neo or Pro in eather way, I call myself that because it has been my nickname scence i was in the first grade.

Haha, I just read your gay story. You really should consider suicide, faggot.

so you think you can put my stories down too you dick, enjoy your ban. i'm sick of your crap, all you wish to do is put me down and i'm fed up with it, i think you put others down because you yourself are the one who should consider suicide. and i hope you do, do the world a favor.