What's up everyone, Jack Krauser here. and i think i'm just gonna post some random thoughts i've had over the last couple of days, prepare yourself.
alright, first i have my own artist thread in the BBS. it's called Shadow Art, and at first it was alright. i was posting my artwork and it was ok, but i was the only one posting. me and Trouble Mcbride (Bizenghast23), so it was kind of dull. but then other's started to post, commenting and such. but that was desasterious because it just ended in a match between me and them over who was right, and it was bad. but it was how they where posting, and i've agreed to stop my arguments and take their advice (even though i'd been taking it the whole time.) and use it.
next, i've realized that while i have no girlfriend right now. ALL MY FRIENDS DO!!! how is that possible? i know, because i need a stupid girl who will do as i say. i'm a very dominate person, and so i need somebody submissive. somebody that will do as i say without question, and do anything i tell them to do. so i need a blong girl with the I.Q. of a rock, a good body is prefered. but i can't complain, i know chicks in different states that would fuck me.
next again, i think i'm an addict. i'm addicted to.................NEWGROUNDS! the worst drug of them all, it entertains the mind with flash movies and games while causing minor eye damage. i've been on my computer almost everyday now, sitting on newgrounds posting, checking my inbox and checking for new comments. it's weird, i'm addicted to newgrounds and i like it! the only other reason i sit at my computer is to write my stories, and to spell check the old ones.
in conclusion, to all those who have questions about me, my name, my backround, anything about me, i'll answer any that you have. i get a lot of e-mails to my normal e-mail account about things i could just answer here, so if you have questions, post comments and i'll answer.
Also, I'll be leaving for Tokyo soon to join Trouble and see Violet and the crew. I'm gonna take my laptop so i can post and keep a watch on my Art Thread and Main Page, so don't think i've abandoned any of the people who are in contact with me. i'll try and get sakura and the other to write some shit or takesome pictures, but don't hold me to that.
Jack Krauser, The Recreated Shadow Artist.
(this is a quick sketch i did a couple of weeks ago, it's not gay. the one with the braided hair just saw his girlfriend raped and murdered, so it's a comforting piece.)
Get out there and see the world of hot women! :3
i get enough girls just walking out the door, gonna go and screw me so japanesse hotties soon enough. rebecca and lust beware, i'll be there soon.