Guys, this sucks. I needed to go home to deal with some family stuff back in the states, so i flew over night. i was dead tired when i got home and tried to drive home, but i was too tired. on my way home, i hit a light pole and wrecked my 73 chevy pick-up. all i can remember is closing my eyes for a second like blinking, then i opened then as i was a couple feet from the pole. i hit it on the drivers sides, where the headlight is. when it was over, i couldn't open my door because it was totaled. so i had to get out by the passenger door, and when i got out i couldn't stand. i'd spit out a tooth in the truck and i was bleeding from my mouth badly, i knelt on the pavement and spat blood out. i watched as six or seven cars passed me by as i knelt there bleeding, it was shame full.
people today are so scarded of killers and things that they won't even stop for someone who just had an accident, it makes me sick. but the lady i was following had actually turned around and came back, plus some people from this chiroprators place came to see what had happened. they said i had gone into shock from the sight of the pool of blood that was on the ground infront of me, and they layed me on my side. these people where nice, they even covered me with a blanket. but eventually the cops came and so did the ambuliance, i was loaded up and off to the nearist hospital. they scanned me and told me that i had broken my jaw on the steering wheel, cracked it in half (the steering wheel). while i was in the hospital, my brother, mom and my neice came to visit me. then a little later my uncle and his daughter came to see me, he was the only one one that wasn't seared for me, he knew i was stronger then my truck.
but i found out that my jaw was broken on the right side, and i'm heading in today to see a plastic sergen. they'll fix it and have me back in action soon enough, but for now i'll just enjoy the rest. Trouble and Sakura are coming over to keep me company, the doctor said i shouldn't be alone right now. the pain pills they got me on make me sleepy and barly put a dent in the pain, it hurts when i swallow and i can feel a tooth jammed behind the rest. i had spit out a tooth in the truck, but i think it was my extra one. from what i hear, Little Girl and everyone is worried for me. Boo arived this morning and came to see me with his brother, but i fell asleep during his visit. i hadn't slept all night and day untill i had slept when he came, but i'm fine now. it still hurts but doctors tell me i'm lucky to be alive so i'm happy.
Wish me luck everyone, i think i'll need it.....
Edit: i just got back from the doctors and found out what was wrong. it is a broken mandible on the right side, and a chip on the left side. the only problem is that there is a nerve in the center and if they touch it during the sergery, i could loose feeling on the right side of my jaw. so, i'll need all the luck i can muster.
Here are some pictures of the truck as it sits in my driveway, it's totaled. but my uncle says that he turned the key, and it still wants to start! this truck is the strongest thing i know, and i think it an honor that i could drive it untill it's day had come. the steering wheel is bent twords the dash from my jaw hitting it, and the window in the door is still intact.