View Profile ShadowNazi169
"You see I'm a Guy of Simple Tastes, I enjoy Dynamite, and Gunpowder, and Gasoline! and you know the thing they all have in common. They're Cheap. Tell your People they work for me now, This Is My Reality" -Wasteland Jackal

Jack Krauser @ShadowNazi169

Age 36, Male

Comic Book Artist

Huh, What's That?


Joined on 3/24/08

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ShadowNazi169's News

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 12th, 2008

We are oft to blame in this, tis too much proved. But with damnation and eternal fire at our back do we learn of life's trials and tribulations. But when the judgment is passed and the soul cast away from those that believe themselves saints, do we turn to the one who guides us. The hooded figure who leads the fight against the heavens, with vengeance and hatred do we fight alongside of him. We fight those who have cast our loving souls from fortune, taking control of that which we sought. Then when our eternal control is complete, there is but one left standing in our way. Shadow Nazi 3:15

God stands in the way of eternal rule over the heavens, his face stern and his will that of iron. We stand before him, unafraid in the face of the almighty one. And then from our back, does the sea of the damned part. As the sea of the forsaken parts, the hooded figure steps forward from the back of the sea. He advances slowly through his army of evil minds and souls, the army bows as he walks by for he saved us from the eternal fires. The figure looks at god with weary eyes, and then he stops in front of the steps leading to god almighty. Shadow Nazi 3:16

He walks up the step, advancing on the lord of all things. He stops in presence of god, mere feet from him. God lashes out at the hooded figure, but is struck to the ground by its own fury. The figure stands over god, as the lord contemplates his eventual death. He stands and looks over the figure once more, then he strikes for the heart, only to have his own pulled from his chest. God falls limp and the sea of the damned cheers in glee, their savior had done the impossible. Shadow Nazi 3:17

Tossing the still heart of god aside, the figure turns to the masses. He raises his hands into the air and the damned bow their heads to the grounds, all kneeling down on the ground. They wait for the command of their new god; they look up to see the figure again. But then the figure reaches up slowly and pulls back the hood, revealing the face beneath it. The sea of the damned gasps as they look upon the face of their savior, for it was eve. Her face gentle and caring, fire red horns grow from her forehead. She walks up the step and into the halls of heaven, inviting her army in to take what they please. As the army surges inside, raping and pillaging everyone inside, eve walks through the halls seeking out her own prize. Shadow Nazi 3:18

As the armies pillage, eve walks the halls, still dripping the fresh blood of god. She walks into a throne room with only a single object in the room, a massive pillar with something chained to it. She advances on it and sees her prize, Adam hangs suspended from the pillar. She moves and cuts him from his imprisonment; he falls to the floor landing on hands and knees. Eve walks over to Adam and stands over him, he slowly stands and looking into the face of his savior. He then holds eve tight, his own fury washing over with his recognition. The armies walk into the hall and circle around them, bloody and overfilling with hatred. The two look out over the masses, and the crowd bows to them, the new gods of all things. Shadow Nazi 3:19

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 11th, 2008

people annoy me. on a major scale, i hate dealing with people i don't know and even if i do know them, i'd rather not deal with it sometimes. (i'm tired and cranky.) or like the fact that i finally created a thread in the forums that didn't get deleted, and Me, JesterCrow169, Bizenghast23, paleghostboo, and littlegirl9 are the only people to post. a couple of others posted but only because Trouble (Bizenghast23) pointed out that there was one with these weird pen drawings and it was full of them and we where stuck in mine. it make's me sick, i posted my art because i though that there might be some people who would like it, some of my art you should be happy i'm even posting it. some of the character concepts are legal works and you'd nornally have to pay to see them, or pay me and i'd draw one up for you. i hate people, i've even had jobs dealing with people, i've got fired from each. only if i feel like it will i be socialble with people.

i can't stand people of lower inteligence, i'll freely talk with someone if they can follow what i'm saying. that was my problem with my last girlfriend, Shadow Girl. she would constantly dought my inteligence, me and some people on newgrounds and with both paleghostboo and JesterCrow169 have had conversations that would confuse people with degrees and professers. i outsmarted my high school Chemistry teacher and my Geometry teacher at their own subjects! my brain hurts after i deal with idiots, with is why i allways have a headack because of the morons here on newgrounds. it's my personal observation that the average inteligence level of newgrounds users that arn't moderators or administrators is about 5th grade or lower. it makes me sad to know this, i thought that inteligent people where everywhere but it would seam that we are a dying breed.

And with that i leave you with a sketch of me from a year ago.

Jack Krauser, The Shadow Artist.

this sucks!

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 9th, 2008

i've finally get the final sketches for my evil childrens comic, i just don't have a title. but only two of them ended up children, an 8 year old and a 12 year old. the leader is a 16 year old and his first accomplice is a 15 year old blind girl. here, i'll just post some stats.

Clover Leedale: 16 years old, hand-to-hand, Right side of his face is burned beyond recovery, leader and father figure to Rin and Dwight, Crimson's lover.
Crimson Heart: 15 years old, knives, wears a blind-fold to cover her silver eyes, hunter and love interist to clover, mother figure to Rin and Dwight.
Rin Kusanagi: 8 years old, weapons user, hated for her cat's eyes and left for dead from her wealthy family, daughter to Crimson and Clover, little sister to Dwight.
Dwight Henderson: 12 years old, swords, the most normal looking of the bunch, he can draw people in when they're under suspition. big brother to Rin and Son to Crimson and Clover.

they are not family in anyway, only by their experiences. Clover gathered Crimson after she killed her parents, shortly after that they found Rin in an allyway crying. they taught her holw to survive and she tagged along with them, after that they found Dwight in control of a large gang in the underground. he'd killed the former boss and after some convincing from Rin and Clover, he saw that his control was not much enjoyment. they are a family of murderers and freaks, cast from society by those who think them different. that is the only thing that makes them a family, their pasts.

this one is going to be interisting, i'm thinkin of doing this one in a four panel style, like megatokyo. that way it should be easyier to read on-line without making the picture huge, but here is the final sketches for the blood family!

Jack Krauser, The Shadow Artist.

Completed Evil Children Sketches!

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 6th, 2008

i'm so tired from yesterday, i drove over 200 miles to get home last night. arriving at something close to midnight, i was the only one awake then. we had decided to take two cars, my 60's lincoln continental and my mom's van (i refused sit in that tiny little van again.) and we headed off, at 5 o'clock in the morning! and on the way there, listening to some ozzy i had an idea. i thought of doing a story strictly for newgrounds, of these four murderious children.

sounded good at 7 in the morning, and i'm already trying out some sketches for them. but i hope everyone out there on newgrounds had a great fourth of july and got some deserved sleep.

for now look at some more of my weird art, this is the first sketch for the cover to my comics "Smooth Criminals" it's a furries comic, about thieving, murder, sex, internal conflicts, external conflicts, troubled pasts and deception. all the good stuff!

a new idea...

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 3rd, 2008

i think this will be my last post for a while, i'm going on vacation with me family for the fourth. but i just got up, at 11:00. and i'm so fucking tired i could fall asleep on my computer right now, i didn't go to sleep untill like 3 AM. i'm hooked into some game called "The Suffering, Ties That Bind," it's kind of old now but still one of the great games i played. i see it as something like Manhunt crossed Silent Hill, but it's a great game for those of us who like gory games, lots of gun play, hand to hand, and freaky ass creatures to kill.

But before i go, i'll leave you all with something from my freakier side. a very special Bondage piece from my Main line on-line comic, Ace Of Spades. the wolf is "Michelangelo Bishop," the lead singer for Velvet Sunrise. the fox he's holding is Light Cross, lead guitarist. the dragon girl in the backround is "Cortanna Vanderbuilt" the drumer. and the fox on the left is light's nympo sister Alexis Saint, Aspiring Dancer

So Fucking Tired!

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 2nd, 2008

alright, after putting the final touches on my scanner's settings, i think i'm ready to place my next picture on Newgrounds. i have to warn people now, my artwork is both furries and humans, or a mix of the two. i'm personally a Furry, A Horse in fact. but i fancy myself as The Shadow Artist, so the form isn't allways solid. but this next picture is one of Myself and Harley Irons, Riddick's fieance. this was kind of commishioned, PaleGhostBoo bet me that i couldn't draw only semi-pornographic pictures all day. well i have a folder of them now and they're gonna be the chapter deviders for on of the comics on my site, "Crossing The Line." but here's some ramdom stats on the picture.

Harley Irons: 21 years old, 6'3, 113 lbs. Riddick's fieance and owner of Ironworks Gym, she's intelagent, and strong, her motto is "work hard, play hard, relax hard."

Jack Krauser (Mouse Form): 19, 6'2, 125 lbs, Artist and Founder of ShadowToyBox.com. Athiest, Gamers, and Intulectual with a short fuse. Currently Seting the stage for ShadowToyBox to go online again, and get my Shadow Crew in line for Project Night Life.

Here it is ya'll!

More Night Life Sketches.

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 1st, 2008

alright, no one insaults my artwork and gets away with it. for those of you who don't know, my last post had a piece of art that was done by me when i was bored one day. and after voting on some new submissions in the portal, i can back to find a comment on my post. it was from a prick named "wuzzles," what ever the fuck that is, probibly a gay dinosaur. but he totally insaulted me and my style of artwork, and that really pisses me off! i've entered on-line contests and at my school, my artwork has won prizes for fuck sack! no man has the right to call another's artwork crap, artwork is for the viewer. what is great to some is terrible to others, artwork is done for the pleasue of the artist. to an artist, the people who view their artwork are like gods. we thrive on the audiance like a play, but no school can teach you art. if you had to go to school to learn how to draw, you need to get your head bashed in with a graphic tablet. and i hope that that homo prick is reading this right now, because if i hear from him again, i'll unleach my full rage on him! i learned how to draw the good old fashioned way, i kept on drawing untill my art was something unseen by the eyes of others. the only help i had was from a sketch book to help me get human anatomy proposhions down, and no man is perfect. but to me, my art is my life. i live only to draw my comics, my storys can hold peoples attention with such force. i've had people tell me that they have missed a hole class because they where hooked into my stories. i have the perfect database of games, tv shows, movies, artwork and manga to know what keeps people reading or watching.

And With that, i post a picture that i've never done before. it is a picture of a human (future comic me infact) and a Young Fox Girl, and she is pregnant with his child. i don't try that often, and this one is no different, a small amount of effort went into it. if you don't like it, tell me. but if you dis all of my art, you will see me angry.

wuzzles the prick...

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - July 1st, 2008

alright, i've figured out how my scanner works and i'm gonna start making full use of it! i've decided to start posting my own personal art, stuff that will only appear here and on Shadow Comics. the first few will be some pieces i did for Project Night Life, the first being one of Myself and Officer Rico.

Detective Rico Valarious, the stright arrow police officer in Iron City. she polices the streets in her topped-out Dodge charger, Police issue.

Shadow Nazi, Shape-Shifting Artist of all kinds. I can be anything that lives, but my personal favorite is My Horse Form. Current Shapes: Mouse, Raccoon, Wolf, Horse, Human Shadow, and a Rapter.

Project Night Life Character Sketches!

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - June 30th, 2008

this shit suck, i got up early for nothin! i normally don't wake up untill alittle after noon. i got up at 7 this morning. i'm a night owl, i prefure to work in the night, most people are sleeping so it's less distracting. but it works for me now, my family is at work and my friends are too. i'm stuck here finishing a commishioned sketch for "Project Night Life." i'll post the sketch on one of my post when i get it finished, i plan on doing a set of sketches for some of the charasters. plus i think i'll post their stats with the picture. stuff like full name, age, height, weight, job, and some of their past. the first on the block will be the main character, "Riddick 'red skin' Butcher" it's a special piece i was comishioned to do, but i think it will stay as a sketch, i'm not gonna color it. don't have the time or equipment to do it anyways, but a couple of the other will be. i've got a list of comishioned piece, anyone can comishion me. i think i might even post some of the art that's ment to be posted on my website, but they can go here first.
but in the mean time, you'll just have to look at more hentai!

Project Night Life Character Sketches.

Posted by ShadowNazi169 - June 29th, 2008

alright, i want to say something. i want to know what people feel about hentai, it's my oppinion that if someone took the time to draw it, i'm obliged to look at it. these people spent their time and sketched, scaned, colored, and posted their personal works on the internet to be looked at by those who care to see it. i personaly have a huge colection of hentai, from probibly every major, minor, and ramdom person on the net. i like hentai, i even take my time and use my art skills to draw some personal hentai. i'd post some if i could but my scanner is refusing to work right now, i've got a massive sketch book full of black and white sketches from verious comics i'm making. but i also look at furries hentai, and the best i've seen so far has to be from SexyFur.com, from Dr. Comet and Bernal. their poses and characters are beautiful and each has a life all it's own. that is what i want to know how to do, but i need a good verson of Photoshop. it's gonna cost me 200 dollars for the version i want though, but it will be worth it. i'm just wondering if i'll get in trouble if i post hentai on my news post, tecknically these are not limited by age as long as it looks over 18 right? well here goes nothing, i just hope i dont get deleted...
